Telegram has announced the launch of a new third-party account verification system as part of its recent app update, as detailed in a blog post from the company. This initiative aims to allow public figures or organizations already verified by Telegram to verify others, such as their employees. According to Telegram, this decentralized verification system is designed to combat scams and mitigate misinformation, thus setting a new safety benchmark for social media platforms.
To become a third-party verifier, individuals or groups must possess an official bot that Telegram has verified. Following that, they can apply for verification rights on Telegram. They will also need to create a unique, minimalist icon in a solid color that will accompany the names of the accounts they verify.
Verified accounts will display this icon next to their name, and their profile will provide a comprehensive explanation of their verification status. Telegram has clarified that this new verification process is entirely distinct from its internal verification system and has provided additional information in a separate guide.
Furthermore, Telegram has rolled out enhanced search filters that allow users to narrow down results specifically from private chats, group chats, or channels. The update also includes custom emojis for folder names, reactions to service messages, and the capability to upgrade gifts into NFTs.
The company reported that it recently achieved profitability for the first time, attributing this milestone to monetization strategies such as Premium subscriptions, advertisements, and a feature called Telegram Stars, among others. However, not everything has gone smoothly for Telegram; in August of the previous year, founder Pavel Durov was arrested on charges related to the company's inadequacies in addressing illegal activities on the platform.
To become a third-party verifier, individuals or groups must possess an official bot that Telegram has verified. Following that, they can apply for verification rights on Telegram. They will also need to create a unique, minimalist icon in a solid color that will accompany the names of the accounts they verify.
Verified accounts will display this icon next to their name, and their profile will provide a comprehensive explanation of their verification status. Telegram has clarified that this new verification process is entirely distinct from its internal verification system and has provided additional information in a separate guide.
Furthermore, Telegram has rolled out enhanced search filters that allow users to narrow down results specifically from private chats, group chats, or channels. The update also includes custom emojis for folder names, reactions to service messages, and the capability to upgrade gifts into NFTs.
The company reported that it recently achieved profitability for the first time, attributing this milestone to monetization strategies such as Premium subscriptions, advertisements, and a feature called Telegram Stars, among others. However, not everything has gone smoothly for Telegram; in August of the previous year, founder Pavel Durov was arrested on charges related to the company's inadequacies in addressing illegal activities on the platform.